I met James Earl Jones twice. Once, very briefly, at an event supporting black theater that client McDonald's was sponsoring.
And again, years later when 'the Voice" was receiving a Christopher Award. I was handling publicity for the event.
Preceding the program, there was a reception with food and drink. James Earl Jones arrived just as the reception was ending and people were starting to go into the auditorium for the awards ceremony. I brought him to the green room and briefed him. Then we chatted a bit. I was trying to get him to talk ...about anything...just so I could hear his beautiful voice.
He then asked if I could find him some food, since he hadn't had a chance to eat and he had missed the food at our event. I went back into the kitchen and asked the guys there if they could put a plate together. The chef said, "Come back in 5 minutes."
When I went back to get the food, I mentioned that this was for James Earl Jones. All the guys in the kitchen got excited and said how much they liked his work.
As I brought the food to Mr. Jones, I told him how thrilled the kitchen crew was to prepare food for him. He thanked me for telling him and, before he ate a morsel, he asked me to take him to the kitchen. I took him back there and he thanked the whole crew, from chef to dishwasher, shaking hands with them all. Nobody else was there; no cameras or press.
After many years, I still remember what a classy man James Earl Jones was. And that voice!