During the summer months,teen crashes and fatalities spike by about 20% from the rest of the year. Teens are out of school and driving more. Nationwide, an average of seven teens die every day during the summer months. It's so bad that the traffic safety community often refers to this time as the "100 Deadliest Days."
The National Road Safety Foundation has been doing a media push for the past 3 years, working with our friends at student advocacy groups like SADD and FCCLA, who help with social media outreach. The students at SADD suggested we call this, instead, the Safest Summer Ever.
This year, with NRSF in the lead, we also have We Save Lives and Impact Teen Drivers working lead, with several other groups joining us for what we're now calling "The 100 Safest Days of Summer."
Part of the effort involves a virtual media tour -- zoom interviews with TV stations throughout the U.S. We've already done interviews in DC, Cincinnati, Richmond, Norfolk, Albany, Birmingham, Chattanooga, and Cleveland, with more coming in the next few weeks. Hats off to Bob Thomas for his help setting this up.
Here's a good clip from WEEK-TV, NBC 25 in Peoria IL. It also includes some comments from the head of one of our partners, SADD. Click here to watch it.