I’m pleased to be participating in the sixth Bathroom Blogfest.
The annual event, which now includes
more than 30 bloggers who come from
a variety of disciplines ranging from
design to home furnishing to marketing
and PR (that’s me), has looked at
bathrooms from a number of perspectives.
This year’s theme is Climbing Out,
which I take to mean looking beyond
the traditional role of public bathrooms
and how they can and do impact an
organization’s image and its customer
relations efforts.
Most decent restaurants seem to pay attention to their bathrooms.
I’ve been to some places where the bathroom is more spectacular
or homey than the décor of the eatery itself. And I’ve also been
turned off by restaurant bathrooms that are dark, dingy or just plain
dirty and unkempt. That’s not exactly someplace that will keep you
in the mood for a great meal.
Retail stores seem to have a wide range of bathroom quality, but
most seem to be clean and institutional. The same can be said for
bathrooms at major movie theater chains. Nothing great, but clean
and generic.
Supermarkets seem to be another story. Maybe the markets figure
no one even needs to go while grocery shopping, but hey, nature
calls anytime, anywhere. Supermarkets rarely have a public
bathroom, but instead send customers to the employee bathrooms.
In many cases, those bathrooms are in the bowels of the store. It’s
not at all appetizing to see the backrooms of a supermarket, which
are surprisingly unclean, in appearance at least.
It would seem that any store, restaurant or other place that has
customers or clients coming to visit would put some effort into
having bathrooms that are, at the very least, clean. And going the
extra mile to have bathrooms that sparkle and dazzle reflect caring
and concern for customers.
Climbing out of bare-bones bathrooms
makes good sense for any business that
has customers visiting. It’s good customer
relations, which translates to good business.
Here's info on all 33 Bathroom Bloggers this week.
Be sure to check out their posts during the coming week by
clicking here.