There's an interesting blog that I look at periodically. It's written by several journalists, and they discuss ways they are using social media to enhance their news-gathering abilities and get feedback from readers.
The current post is "Using a blog as a conversation starter to engage users."
It begins: "Not every post a beat reporter makes needs to be just about news or facts.
Some posts simply serve to be conversation starters -- to engage the community. After all, one of the major differences between beat reporting on the Web, instead of in print, is the community that forms online. A good beat reporter harnesses that community and actively engages readers."
Beat Blogging is written by the energy and green tech reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, the college sports business reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the pharmaceutical industry reporter for The Newark Star-Ledger, the public schools reporter for The Dallas Morning News, a digital music columnist at Wired, the child welfare beat reporter for the Ft. Meyers News-Press, a science writer for The Houston Chronicle, the P&G reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer, an NBA reporter for ESPN, the technology in the classroom reporter for Education Week, the regional technology business reporter for The Seattle Times, a reporter covering Hershey, PA for the Harrisburg Patriot-News, and a video games reporter for MTV Multiplayer.
Interesting reading. I'd say it's worth a look.