A few odds 'n ends on a spectacular Saturday in New York...
* I'm told the co-editor of The Age of Conversation (coming out Monday and already favorably reviewed in Advertising Age) has a birthday this weekend. Happy birthday, Gavin.
* I showed my piece from The Age of Conversation to a p.r. associate and friend, Jeanne Byington, who's one of the best in home furnishings publicity. In my piece, I talk about conversation between company and customer being the new peak in customer service, giving companies that do it well a decided advantage over competition.
Jeanne sent me an email this morning, telling me how a client, who is about to become president of an old and respected homebuilding company, just told her about a great customer service experience he had. She says "... he can't get over how a manufacturer of farmer's cheese that he as his wife eat by the carload received a personal 500-word response when he asked where, in his new job location, the product is sold. He said if for a $2.29 block of cheese they can give this much personal care, he expects nothing less for a home."
Sounds like he's a true believer in conversation as customer service now, if he hadn't been before. Good for him and for his customers. And thanks for sharing this, Jeanne.
That's it for now. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and don't forget... Monday is the start of The Age of Conversation.