It's been a hectic several days for me and I haven't had much chance to do my usual blog reading. So as I did some quick checking around this morning and landed on one of my regular reads -- C.B. Whittemore's Flooring the Consumer -- I was pleasantly surprised to see she had nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award.
I've seen the little sunshine symbol before, but I didn't know what it signified. According to C.B., the Thinking Blogger Award began last February when Ilka Yoldas started a meme called "5 Blogs That Make Me Think."
I'm flattered that C.B. says I make her think.
I am now supposed to nominate five others whose blogs make me think. I'd include Bob Glaza of One Reader at a Time, but C.B. just nominated him, along with me. Same goes for Mark Goren at Transmission Marketing. And CK at CK's Blog was nominated some time ago.
So here are four that I think are Thinking Blogs. If any have already been nominated by someone else, I apologize for the duplication.
1. Drew McLellan's Drew's Marketing Minute always has something good to think about. Like CK, he does a lot for the marketing blogging community.
2. Lewis Green at Business Solutions Plus is a blogger who definitely makes me think... and smile sometimes as well.
3. Ann Handley at MarketingProfs Daily Fix. With her posts and her comments, she always gets us thinking.
4. Matt Dickman at Techno/Marketer has interesting and thought-provoking things to say on his blog.
OK, ladies and gents, here's how it works... if I've tagged you, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think. Link to this post so readers can see how it's evolved and, if you like, display the Thinking Blogger Award, with a link to your post about the award.
Thanks again, C.B. and to all who read my 2 cents. If you have topics you'd like to see me cover, please let me know.
I have to go now and think about my next post.